let’s test again, this time this *should* work.

So now that I’m done failing at life. let’s try this posting by e-mail thing again, k? If this thing falls on the floor again, I’m not gonna be happy. Popularity: unranked Tweet This Post Post to Delicious Digg This Post Post to Facebook Post to MySpace Post to Slashdot Mirrored from shane's rants.

a small note to hamilton dweebs. wanna try that again?

Oh god, the stupid strikes again. So on a wim I dial up the ODSP IVR, the thing that tells me how much money I’m getting, or not getting, depending on your side of the fence, and get simarily told your file’s currently on hold. after the appropriate amount of WTF happens, I ping my … Read more

a small note to hamilton dweebs. wanna try that again?

Oh god, the stupid strikes again. So on a wim I dial up the ODSP IVR, the thing that tells me how much money I’m getting, or not getting, depending on your side of the fence, and get simarily told your file’s currently on hold. after the appropriate amount of WTF happens, I ping my … Read more

a fire emergency has been reported in the main school building, backroom… oops, I mean minikitchen!

so, as reported yesterday. the W. Ross Macdonald school actually found a use for it’s fire systems and no, it wasn’t being pulled by the deaf blind, this time. from the same source that helped me track down yesterday’s linked in article, you have this article. The fuck were a toaster, toaster oven, microwave oven, … Read more

a note to TMobile in the UK, this is the 21st century, not the 1990's.

I was utterly appalled to read a story while browsing the news this morning that TMobile in the UK is cutting their data plans expinentially. “T-Mobile in the UK has revealed a new fair use policy, cutting caps from 1GB and 3GB to 500MB, saying mobile browsing doesn’t include videos or large downloads. ‘If you … Read more

a note to TMobile in the UK, this is the 21st century, not the 1990′s.

I was utterly appalled to read a story while browsing the news this morning that TMobile in the UK is cutting their data plans expinentially. “T-Mobile in the UK has revealed a new fair use policy, cutting caps from 1GB and 3GB to 500MB, saying mobile browsing doesn’t include videos or large downloads. ‘If you … Read more