in response to an article I read, and a reminder to the TTC.

I was scrolling twitter, and ran across Blog shames TTC riders who take up extra seats so I scrolled on over to this blog and while I agree with the centament, and the frustration, I don’t agree with some of the language being utalized. But since I can’t figure out the submission form, I’m just … Read more

everything explodes, and doesn't take customers with it. and other unrelated things.

I no how to blog? apparently, I do. If your smart, you’ll have noticed that thing that your reading and some of it’s associated services, hey zoe? you actually no how to update? miracles! Wait, I can’t actually talk because I’ve been lazy about updating this thing, more on the how and why in list … Read more

their's something to be gleaned from this post.

You learn interesting things from blogs. wesput an entry out on histwitterthat pointed tothis entry about anal sexand being a curious individual, I headed back to the blog’shome pageand was scrolling through entries, and ran acrossthis entry about infidelityand was impressed about what I read. I’m going to quote the entry in it’s entirety because … Read more

Is freedom scientific finally losing their touch?

Hello fellow blog readers It’s been awhile since I posted something of major substance to the blind community here. On this blog We have some very interesting posts to reference. I’m going to post each of them below, exactly as posted, and I’ll follow each one of them up with my comments. The first one … Read more