How to tell me you don't want me in your class, in one easy step.

This joyous little gem came to your almost non-existent co-author from the vast reaches of Upper Midnowhere, Massachusetts, whilst sitting in class one morning. To say I was mildly displeased is a rather gross understatement of fact. To say I was extremely displeased might even be understating a little. Yep. Just a little. Without further … Read more

maybe it's you that doesn't belong in public?

As a guide dog handler, (currently between dogs), I have run into my fair share of unbecoming individuals, stupid preconceptions, etc. but nothing compares to the this women who sprayed bleach in a guidedogs eyes This article states. Lawler told police she “thought it was a vicious animal” and feared it would be a danger … Read more

unimpressed, that's the nicest way this can be put

Please note, this is in no way against just eat, absolutely and utterly not, they’ve been the rock in this whole fiasco and there just as in sensed as we are. Over the past nearly 2 years I’ve taken a distinct pleasure in being lazy, and just forget cooking on certain nights, and hitting up … Read more

a reminder to the TTC fair collectors.

As a recent resident to Toronto, I’m heavily reliant on the toronto transit commission to get from point A to point B on a daily bases. Hey, so does, this recent blogger convert to wordpress one over here but that’s just par for the course around here. Anyhow, I’ve been around the block a time … Read more

Read between the lines.

I wonder how this local community college treats its students? Come January, methinks we’re gonna find out. 4.5 hours, 2 screams, a walk in the rain and a caffeinated beverage later, I’m still seeing red. And yes I did actually go outside for a couple of screams. I think I need about 8 more by … Read more

You did what… why?

So, I get it that there are stories in the media that make disabled people look bad on at least a daily, if not weekly, basis. I’ve grown used to having news stories scroll across my screen that make me wanna slap someone not once, but twice. And ya know, that’s fine. But this dude … Read more

Alcohol, now. give.

1. Clearly, now, I have a choice between purchasing $995.00 software with my looks, or paying someone to scan and convert proprietary file formats for me because I can’t be diplomatic and the next best thing to diplomacy is keeping your damn mouth shut. Also, clearly, the latter, i.e., paying someone to scan, is gonna … Read more