cleveland, now a retired guide, May 19, 2012 to March 15, 2013.

Hello all my readers; Those of you that follow my facebook twitter and audioboo will know that there were problems cropping up with my beloved guidedog cleveland, and it wasn’t getting better. I tried everything short of screaming, gentle leader, strictly back to basics, etc. His focus wasn’t there, and it got to a point … Read more

unimpressed, that's the nicest way this can be put

Please note, this is in no way against just eat, absolutely and utterly not, they’ve been the rock in this whole fiasco and there just as in sensed as we are. Over the past nearly 2 years I’ve taken a distinct pleasure in being lazy, and just forget cooking on certain nights, and hitting up … Read more

everything explodes, and doesn't take customers with it. and other unrelated things.

I no how to blog? apparently, I do. If your smart, you’ll have noticed that thing that your reading and some of it’s associated services, hey zoe? you actually no how to update? miracles! Wait, I can’t actually talk because I’ve been lazy about updating this thing, more on the how and why in list … Read more

a month home with cleveland.

It’s been a month since I was a member of graduating class OR227 of guidedogs for the blind, Oregon campus and returned home with my knew guidedog, a yellow labrador golden cross Cleveland. It’s been a month of adjustment for not only myself and for cleveland, but for those I associate with professionally and personally. … Read more

If I had a dick, and today were a person, I'd force said person to suck it.

1. Shane’s on a bus heading back to Ottawa. 2. I’m emotionally fucking wiped right out. 3. As a result of the above, I’m ready to stuff my foot up the ass of the next person who anoys me. 4. For the love of whatever may or may not be holy, please don’t let it … Read more

I wouldn't be putting this out here if we didn't need the help.

Anyone in MA, any floorspace? We’ll take it, this is my last ditch effort to save the rest of the trip and try to save myself from being tossed out on the street. Anyone who wants to help, you have our direct contact methods, if you don’t, you can get them. Anything’s better than a … Read more

I need a knew body.

Hey all; Just a quick update while lying on the couch. While out today with james Patricia, and roger, we discovered my body’s limits. My leg started acting up while in one of many stores and finally decided while in our final store tha becoming lame, and nearly causing me to have to be carried … Read more