in response to an article I read, and a reminder to the TTC.

I was scrolling twitter, and ran across Blog shames TTC riders who take up extra seats so I scrolled on over to this blog and while I agree with the centament, and the frustration, I don’t agree with some of the language being utalized. But since I can’t figure out the submission form, I’m just … Read more

a response to my dropbox support ticket about accessibility.

The following is the response posted to my support ticket e-mail to dropbox yesterday. From: David M. – Dropbox Support Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 12:28 AM To: Shane Davidson Subject: Dropbox Support – Re: interface changes do not always mean accessibility. ## IMPORTANT ## Text below this line won’t be added to the ticket … Read more

an open letter to dropbox, interface changes don't always mean it's accessible.

update: a response was received on March 14, 2013. as a longstanding user of dropbox, I’ve grown to love it, from it’s ease of use, to it’s support on so many platforms, windows, mac, android, and iphone. So when 2.0.0 was early released and put up as the perminant stable download I thought nothing of … Read more