attempting to ram religion down blind peoples throats isn’t how you sell a product.

so as a long time tech geek, I have this bad habbit of keeping up with firmware upgrades for the various blind products, pacmate braillenote family of products and the braille sense family of products once distributed by GWMicro now sold and distributed by their manufacturer hims INC. It’s come to my attention that the … Read more

small note to the record labels, you earn enough money, piss off, right now.

so amazon. has launched this great knew service that allows it’s customer to store their music on their services for playing on multiple devices. I took a look at it, and like the idea, a tad inaccessible, but what you gonna do, right? Well now, amazon’s facing possible legal action because they don’t have the … Read more

hey, united states? canada’s kickin’ your ass, again!

Once again, we here in canada proove we have a better handle on this digital thing than the united states. We took the year by storm with 18% growth over the united states impressive 1%. Oh, wait, it gets better. In 2009, our digital growth was 38%, and the united states was… what’s that? only … Read more

hey, CRTC. welcome to either do it, or being overruled. you choose.

I won’t reidderate my view on bandwidth caps. this person over here, known as my roommate, does it quite well for me. while covering the crtc’s ruling and simarily blasting the hell outta of it, for what that’s worth. Now, the federal government has simarily told the CRTC, either you recynd your ruling or we’ll … Read more