violation of this child's first amendment rights? yes, please. Sue the school? totally do it!

this this apalling story may be old, but it scrolled across my twitter feed for some reason and still pissed me off, so you can be pissed right along with me. Comments follow. Sign Language Ban Imposed on N.J. Girl By Bryan Robinson Jan 7, 2006, 10:13 AM School officials have threatened a hearing-impaired girl … Read more

maybe it's you that doesn't belong in public?

As a guide dog handler, (currently between dogs), I have run into my fair share of unbecoming individuals, stupid preconceptions, etc. but nothing compares to the this women who sprayed bleach in a guidedogs eyes This article states. Lawler told police she “thought it was a vicious animal” and feared it would be a danger … Read more

you didn't want the public to know that you can't manage your own networks?

As someone that’s been watching the rogers vs crtc go round and round since october, 2010, it came as no surprise when the following story rolled across my desk. CRTC Slaps Rogers for Throttling Non-P2P Traffic Posted by Jason Koblovsky on Saturday, January 21, 2012 – 01:38 January 20, 2012 – The Canadian Gamers Organization … Read more

the demise of qwitter: put into perspective by a well spoken blind individual.

Hello all; All of you may have heard about the demise of the qwitter project developed and maintained by christopher If not. I’ll simply quote the qwitter_hg twitter accounts last post. Qwitter Mercurial: Q: Closing up shop, it’s been fun.: 13 hours ago 9/19/2011 11:08:07 AM Qwitter Client after reading that, I got curious and … Read more

and this person has other kids? not anymore she don't.

We start out today… with yet another clue. This is what… the 2nd day in a row? Doing the morning cruise through RSS feeds, we find a mother that got charged for an amber alert, why? because the mother decided to use her kid as insurance so a man would return her car. Then she … Read more

And people wonder why I don't fly?

and here, we go again. TSA, seriously agaain The 50-year-old pilot, who lives outside Sacramento, asked that neither he nor his airline be identified. He has worked for the airline for more than a decade and was deputized by the TSA to carry a gun in the cockpit. He is also a helicopter test pilot … Read more

a small note to a list moderator.

a note to a list moderator; Please kindly stop acting like a fucking prick to me. your not god, and never will be. Teling me repeatedly that a topics off topic on a *tech* list when it’s not then banning me after the list owner specifically told you not to, is a violation of your … Read more

really, suing, at a time like this? seriously?

Me and my rss scrolling catching up on the past day’s worth of feeds since the 19th, brought me to this article regarding an $80-million lawsuit that Jo-Anne Blair is filing against both the housing company and the property management company of the building on 200 welsley street. As you may or may not know, … Read more

Freedom scientific responds to my april 11th post and my opinion on their response and my response to them

***note*** This post is based on factual information, and also will contain my opinion on the matters listed herein ***end note*** hello my faithful readers, after: This post was posted on April 11th, 2009 I received a phone call on April 14th, 2009 from Eric Damery Vice president of blindness software products at freedom scientific … Read more