If I had a dick, and today were a person, I'd force said person to suck it.

1. Shane’s on a bus heading back to Ottawa. 2. I’m emotionally fucking wiped right out. 3. As a result of the above, I’m ready to stuff my foot up the ass of the next person who anoys me. 4. For the love of whatever may or may not be holy, please don’t let it … Read more

That's… precisely how you do your job. Except for, like, how it ain't?

Yarfing all over the blog again to prevent me using something as a projectile that I shouldn’t. Screen readers, wanna skip it? H to jump to the next heading is your happyfriend, sighties, use those mice like they were intended. I have officially hit the point where “I can’t fucking take it any fucking more,” … Read more

Where were you?

So as you may or may not be aware, in the event you’re living under a rock, Shane showed up here on Thursday. Not even an hour after he showed up, came a knock on the door. It was the building director, reminding me of the guest policies and threatening me with academic sanctions, and … Read more

This is one of those weeks I wish I had an alcohol tolerance.

Below are various notes to the stupid, in no particular order because Window-Eyes and WordPress just had an argument and I had to intervene and force them to fight nicely. 1. If I tell you something 2 weeks before I do something with which you may or may not have an issue, and then sit … Read more

It's… Cluetime! Again? Really?

I thought I was done issuing clues to the stupid today? it’s almost 5 PM as I start this. I guess clue issuance doesn’t have office hours. Having said that, I guess stupid doesn’t either. And I take it those who issue clue don’t get sickdays? I could’ve taken one today. somewhere, one of you … Read more

my thoughts on a set of twitter posts.

so I haven’t posted in awhile, but this really has me wondering this individuals supposed love for this person, right here. The following are 6 tweets that Kerri Murtland posted on her twitter page. They are below and numbered for your sanity. 1. Kerri Murtland: ok so as you all know Tuesday Im starting my … Read more

random thoughts and feelings

This entry isn’t a normal happy entry. it’s mostly gonna be rambling and has no order to it what so ever. Some parts may not even make sense but I just needed to write my feelings. If you don’t like, stop reading, right the fuck now. So I went downtown today to do monthly banking, … Read more

blindies can be daddies to, by Chris Meredith

the following is an e-mail from Chris Meredith. I include his original message and then the attached file’s contents he included. From: Chris Meredith Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 5:35 PM To: “kerri Murtland” ; Shane Davidson Subject: Letter Attached in Word 2007 format. You may wanna change the filename before you put it on … Read more

complete copy of court papers including all attached letters.

in a previous post, I included what I thought was a complete copy of the paperwork as presented to kerri. This was not the case, and as the following will show, this is a complete copy, as presented to her, including all supposedly attached documentation. My comments will follow each presented set of documentation. First … Read more

a complete copy of the papers regarding kerri's court appearance in october, with notes from kerri inserted throughout!

I spouted off my opinions about this crap in a previous post noting the parts I had a problem with, but now I have a complete copy of the paperwork from kerri herself. Their was no gag order on this so ha! I’m putting it here for your review, and please, I beg of you, … Read more