
HEy folks,I don’t have time to write awhole lot, as I’ve got an appointment to get to.THi is jst ot say that i am still alive and kicking.Rose and myself are moved into the apartment, and oding well.We’ve still got problems with the C.A.S. trying to take our baby, and we’re working to stop it.I’ll … Read more

>a major update

>Hello everyone. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted an actual blog post. Over a month I believe. A lot has happened over these past months. This is going to be one long post, so sit back and enjoy! My company shaneD.net hosting services endured two server attacks witch we recovered nicely from. While dealing with … Read more


>Hello all,I’m sitting in communications class, bored out of my mind, eating ritz chips. Jordan’s running his mouth about programming. We’ve got a supply teacher in Communications class today.Drama should be interesting.Guess what play we’re doing for Christmas?The grinch, of all plays!Could they not have come up with something, shall we say, a little more … Read more