in response to an article I read, and a reminder to the TTC.

I was scrolling twitter, and ran across Blog shames TTC riders who take up extra seats so I scrolled on over to this blog and while I agree with the centament, and the frustration, I don’t agree with some of the language being utalized. But since I can’t figure out the submission form, I’m just … Read more

unimpressed, that's the nicest way this can be put

Please note, this is in no way against just eat, absolutely and utterly not, they’ve been the rock in this whole fiasco and there just as in sensed as we are. Over the past nearly 2 years I’ve taken a distinct pleasure in being lazy, and just forget cooking on certain nights, and hitting up … Read more

a reminder to the TTC fair collectors.

As a recent resident to Toronto, I’m heavily reliant on the toronto transit commission to get from point A to point B on a daily bases. Hey, so does, this recent blogger convert to wordpress one over here but that’s just par for the course around here. Anyhow, I’ve been around the block a time … Read more

more toronto audio.

Hey all; Have more audio from this trip. Let’s take gennevra home. See you next time! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Blubrry | TuneIn | RSS

really, suing, at a time like this? seriously?

Me and my rss scrolling catching up on the past day’s worth of feeds since the 19th, brought me to this article regarding an $80-million lawsuit that Jo-Anne Blair is filing against both the housing company and the property management company of the building on 200 welsley street. As you may or may not know, … Read more