I just got my ass handed to me, and Fitchburg State University’s tech lead is pissed, at MCB.

I just got the final word. FSU’s tech lead, Sherry, told me this. We’ll let an XP system on the network. But we don’t officially support it anymore. they won’t work on, or provide support for, a system that is not 1. up to date. 2. under warranty. 3. does not have a LEGAL COPY … Read more

attempting to ram religion down blind peoples throats isn’t how you sell a product.

so as a long time tech geek, I have this bad habbit of keeping up with firmware upgrades for the various blind products, pacmate braillenote family of products and the braille sense family of products once distributed by GWMicro now sold and distributed by their manufacturer hims INC. It’s come to my attention that the … Read more

and sighted people had the nerve to question my parent skills as a blind person? really?

Oh yeah, this is exactly what I wanted to wake up to reading via rss feeds this morning. While scrolling through RSS feeds, I come across this. Here’s the article in it’s entirety. Vancouver couple have been arrested for allegedly holding their two young autistic boys captive in a darkened, caged room. Responding to a … Read more

It’s… Cluetime! Again? Really?

I thought I was done issuing clues to the stupid today? it’s almost 5 PM as I start this. I guess clue issuance doesn’t have office hours. Having said that, I guess stupid doesn’t either. And I take it those who issue clue don’t get sickdays? I could’ve taken one today. somewhere, one of you … Read more


so according to vanessa, the twatwaffling hormonal sex deprived asscrack, she’s attempted to call krista multiple times, sent multiple e-mails, etc. Except that part wherein she sent nothing. Anyone wanna guess who the fuck she’s blaming this time? Yep, me, again. I’m supposedly the cause of krista never getting her voicemails or e-mails. I hate … Read more

a note to wining dream host customers, get you a clue, or 12.

so this blog, among other things, including e-mail, is now hosted on dream host and a couple nights ago, their entire network infristructure went down for scheduled maintenance, and this was posted on their status twitter. DreamHost Status: Network Maintenance: Friday, January 28th – 22:00 through Saturday, January 29th 02:00 PST http://dhurl.org/1io at 2:49:38 PM … Read more

and this person has other kids? not anymore she don’t.

We start out today… with yet another clue. This is what… the 2nd day in a row? Doing the morning cruise through RSS feeds, we find a mother that got charged for an amber alert, why? because the mother decided to use her kid as insurance so a man would return her car. Then she … Read more

a note to people who think I’m made of money. their’s a clue inside. go fetch.

This is an open clue to specific individuals who think I’m made of money and who need a knew brain. Please take note of the following in list format. Nobody was home when I left on december 1, 2010. Your waiting until now, almost a month later, to ask about the house key? seriously? Now, … Read more