I just got my ass handed to me, and Fitchburg State University’s tech lead is pissed, at MCB.

I just got the final word. FSU’s tech lead, Sherry, told me this. We’ll let an XP system on the network. But we don’t officially support it anymore. they won’t work on, or provide support for, a system that is not 1. up to date. 2. under warranty. 3. does not have a LEGAL COPY … Read more

small note to the record labels, you earn enough money, piss off, right now.

so amazon. has launched this great knew service that allows it’s customer to store their music on their services for playing on multiple devices. I took a look at it, and like the idea, a tad inaccessible, but what you gonna do, right? Well now, amazon’s facing possible legal action because they don’t have the … Read more

the US after action report, and other musings.

Yeah, I’m lazy. Deal with it. I’ve been back on this side of the boarder, for what, almost a month. in list format, because I’m just to goddamn lazy, and expanding thoughts undercafinated is not how I roll, oh, and because I can. I returned from the states march 3, 2011.< relatively in tact, sanity ... Read more

hey, united states? canada’s kickin’ your ass, again!

Once again, we here in canada proove we have a better handle on this digital thing than the united states. We took the year by storm with 18% growth over the united states impressive 1%. Oh, wait, it gets better. In 2009, our digital growth was 38%, and the united states was… what’s that? only … Read more

people continue to ask why I won’t switch to apple? have another reason.

people always ask me, why won’t you buy a mac. My simple answer, I’m happy with what I’ve got. If I want to play in the mac environment I’ll crank it up in a VM. Well, I’ve found another reason. Reading RSS feeds, we see that an apple service provider is suing a customer for … Read more

I’ve met another pain in my ass, that of the FSU student network and it’s help desk

so a couple of days ago, the fitchburg state university student network started having massive issues that were made of utter failure. Packet loss, dropping us on the floor, horrid DNS resolution, etc. etc. etc. We chocked it up to students on this router being bandwidth hogs, and generally a detriment to the ability for … Read more

Is freedom scientific finally losing their touch?

Hello fellow blog readers It’s been awhile since I posted something of major substance to the blind community here. On this blog We have some very interesting posts to reference. I’m going to post each of them below, exactly as posted, and I’ll follow each one of them up with my comments. The first one … Read more


Hello all,I’m sitting in communications class, bored out of my mind, eating ritz chips. Jordan’s running his mouth about programming. We’ve got a supply teacher in Communications class today.Drama should be interesting.Guess what play we’re doing for Christmas?The grinch, of all plays!Could they not have come up with something, shall we say, a little more … Read more