daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 10:59 awake. thanks to @vampiric_angel for kicking my ass to bed last night or I might have gone another 24 hours without sleeping. #
  • 11:14 @planethitsradio good morning #
  • 11:32 @vampiric_angel nope, it’s lunchtime almost, forget breakfast. grins #
  • 12:17 um? why isn’t outlook filtering my mail in some instances? #
  • 13:12 I hate php code #
  • 15:04 wooo! go me! the transfer sounds now work again in the sound pack! hell yeah! thanks to the beta team for your continued hard work! #
  • 15:15 @vampiric_angel never seen it sotheir #
  • 18:58 converting the sound pack from mp3 to wave #
  • 20:11 fucked up the installer! great! beta members, contact me for knew full and update files #
  • 20:37 anyone on the beta team, message me for the URL’s to redownload the sc sound pack full and update installation files #
  • 21:01 I’ve released more patches for this sound pack in the past 12 hours it’ #
  • 21:02 I’ve released more updates for this sc sound pack for vipmud in the past 12 hours it’s fuckin’ scary. #
  • 21:25 I hate bandwidth shaping! #
  • 21:48 move set for april 1st 2009. #
  • 21:53 @vampiric_angel night you. #
  • 23:01 this code is starting to look all the same to me. not good #
  • 23:14 omg. call the press. in my mostly tired state I typed a complete sentance and didn’t make a single spelling mistake! #
  • 23:16 fuck! the word sentence is E n c e not A N C E. whoops! #
  • 23:20 @creepyblindy I have a file for you get your ass on msn so I can send it fucker! #
  • 23:24 wait, I just got told it’s rude to point? fuck off! I’ll point at whoever the fuck I want! #
  • 23:30 their, @wakeangel78 is now back on the following me list, and yes I’m following her still! go it! #
  • 23:31 @creepyblindy u, r, not, on, m,s,n, damn, it! #
  • 23:32 @rharmon928 points right back at you and laughs loudly. yes? #
  • 23:35 u no, it helps @creepyblindy if your actually online and not appearing offline! *duh!* #
  • 23:42 @rharmon928 oh please. I went to school with that…. um…. individual. he’s what I like to call, a stupid mortal #
  • 23:45 @rharmon928 loon is putting it nicely #
  • 23:49 @rharmon928 you got MSN? if you want, DM me your address. #
  • 23:57 @BlindTwit congratulations to him! #
  • 23:57 I’m gonna lie down and read until I fall asleep, if that’s even possible. night all. #

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see you next time!

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