daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 23:25 bored and reading a fan fic. #
  • 00:10 stupid delivery mortals! #
  • 00:51 why is my pantech duo c810 crashing like nobody’s business. I think it needs to be reflashed. erg. and no sighted eyes to accomplish it. #
  • 01:01 @tallin32 according to the manual the screen needs to say shit. do you have msn or skype? if so dm me your cfontact details. #
  • 01:07 @tallin32 I just sent you a direct message with my non twitter contact details #
  • 01:16 thinking of using wordpress for podcast only once I get the equipment again to record a podcast. it’s rss2 capabilities are better #
  • 01:18 might also use it for posting interesting technical and newzie things as well. who knows. #
  • 01:24 killed the automatic update service to stop the son bitch from asking me to fucking reboot #
  • 01:26 nooooo! not more stupid fucking mortals!no, no, no, no, no! #
  • 01:43 @tallin32 I need the cable to even do it, we’ll have to get together off twitter to do it. #
  • 01:48 @creepyblindy that fucking dashboards a cluttered son of a bitch now. #
  • 01:49 trying to work through a minor panic attack. #
  • 01:54 trading pokes with @creepyblindy #
  • 01:58 it’s poking wars on facebook! #
  • 03:03 @creepyblindy sorry IE’s being a whore #
  • 03:08 wo shit! that was fuckin’ scary. thank god I was expecting that hour jump. #
  • 04:29 god I need to get used to this time change. grins #
  • 04:33 note to EST jawter users, edit jawter.ini and replace 18000 with 14400 #
  • 04:34 if jawter users need help modifying their ini to update for the timechange let me know. for some reason it won’t update #
  • 04:37 I hate not being able to track my USPS package. *pout* #
  • 04:46 shit I nearly crashed the cpanel server. come on! I’m doing good! #
  • 05:14 DB queery is slowing down a quad core server, not as bad as it used to slow down the old dual core server. #
  • 05:18 db queery complete, fuck I forgot how large that DB was. generating report now. #
  • 05:25 report complete. time to read it now #
  • 06:54 modifying a sound pack for vip mud and star conquest, and it’s proving to be a bitch. #
  • 06:56 what the fuck! play the right sound sequence you moronic whore! #
  • 06:56 looks like I might have to modify the entire trigger sequence for launching and landing to make it work. fine! be that way you cunt! #
  • 07:00 ah I see how this works. ok, let’s fix. #
  • 07:09 debating simply rewriting the entire mother fucking ship movement script file. bastard thing! #
  • 07:18 fuck the 5 day sucks! lowest temp of -10DGC/14DGF to a high of 6DGC/42.8DGF throughout the next 5 days! garbage! #
  • 07:21 seing how long I can keep a conference on skype going, this aught 2 b fun, 6 hours already and climbing. #
  • 07:27 @JamesScholes I can push 13-15 hour skype calls without trying. #
  • 07:43 hating this sound pack, why aren’t the right sounds playing, come on! #
  • 07:53 rewriting the ship_movement file from scratch. grrr. #
  • 07:54 waiting for a snow tigger to get to work. #
  • 08:02 what in the hell! come on! #
  • 08:05 hell yeah! worm whole traveling fixed! #
  • 08:35 boo yah! I fixed the assist sound triggers! go me! #
  • 08:36 trying to find the salvaging triggers, erg! #
  • 08:50 why the hell can’t I find the damned code for salvaging in this set of sounds, grrr piss! #
  • 09:15 is still rewriting the ship movement file because it’s not playing the correct launhching sequence. #
  • 09:32 people, when you direct message me about something I’m working on, please specify what you mean so I don’t get confused, thanks. #
  • 10:03 I swear to god I’m gonna nail this launch/land bug in the sound pack! grrr piss! #
  • 10:05 @JamesScholes I fucking hate that! that’s what we call an extreme piss off! #
  • 10:06 @JamesScholes you fucked it up badly. should be <p align=left echo “put shit here” I think. I’m not fully awake. #
  • 10:18 now, that was fuckin’ amusing. #
  • 10:20 the following was just announced on
    star conquest. Announcement: Edward Cullin does not glitter! Do not be fooled! highly amusing. #
  • 10:33 woot! salvaging sounds partially fixed. transfer sounds will be fixed next time I land. #
  • 10:35 fixed the duct sound while i was in that file. #
  • 10:42 @vampiric_angel good morning my fellow vampire. skype conference still running, and it’s solid as a rock! hell yeah! #
  • 10:43 I hate lines of code that really don’t need to be around. they make for a cluttered codebase #
  • 10:44 @vampiric_angel you missed the amusement from me earlier. I thought I was gonna die. grins #
  • 10:46 @vampiric_angel it’s the snowy vampiric angel! grins! #
  • 10:49 still working on this code, this launch/land bug is fucking irritating me. I should pull the triggers and redo all of them. #
  • 10:58 fuck yeah! I got it to work! go me! #
  • 10:59 the launch and landing bug has been squashed! wooo! #
  • 11:15 well fuck, yet another useless piece of script code that gets yanked out of the system #
  • 11:18 @cminner07 yep. it was pissing me off and acting like jacob. #
  • 12:52 @cminner07 welcome back from lunch snow tigger! #
  • 13:00 @cminner07 comment where? and idiots must die! #
  • 13:08 @cminner07 what comment is a tigger talking about #
  • 13:33 modifying more of the sound pack and adjusting some of the minor annoyances. #
  • 13:38 @cminner07 I will after I pee pee #
  • 13:44 @cminner07 their was only one 4 in the field, I’m having someone look up the number for me. #
  • 13:49 @cminner07 ok, twitter contact updated. #
  • 13:53 their’s a tigger comment on my note on facebook! yay! #
  • 13:54 and a tigger commented on my status toooo! yay! #
  • 14:16 @cminner07 I updated your phone pouts #
  • 14:21 I, would, like, to, state, 4, the, record, that, I, am, not, with, eryn, AKA, vampiric_angel! #
  • 14:28 @creepyblindy neither am I for pout sakes! #
  • 14:45 once again 4 the stupid fucking morons who don’t get it, listen up! I, am, not, dating @vampiric_angel so go stick it up your arse! #
  • 14:47 I may be the vampiric poohbear but I aint dating the vampiric angel, as much as you stupid blind clowns would like to think I am! #
  • 14:48 and for the record, all you blind morons, are, stupid, mortals! #
  • 15:00 @wmj1102 mac n cheese rocks! #
  • 18:22 just passed the 17 hour mark. just over 17:18 into this here experiment #
  • 19:44 so we’re on skype, and the next thing I here is someone go. it’s time to face the whole. Oh, the ways that could be twisted! #
  • 19:52 this is so wrong but amusing at the same time rt @shanedavidson20well just make sure the hole is clean and free of diseases/debris. rofl #
  • 19:53 this is amusing rt @sandorboy) @shanedavidson20well just make sure the hole is clean and free of diseases/debris. rofl #
  • 19:57 rt @vampiric_angel yes but what’s being inserted into the whole? That should be clean and disease free as well. don’t want no dirty rod. #
  • 20:00 As long as there are batteries in the world, and things to put them in that go buzz, there will always be hope, even for you jacob! #
  • 20:19 rt @sandorboy you could always be a nice guy and throw in some vaseline and a rainbow flag if you’re gonna make fun of him like that. #
  • 21:02 20 hours has been past and I haven’t crashed! go my computer and skype #
  • 21:15 stupid fucking mortals. #
  • 21:26 @creepyblindy we haven’t set one. #
  • 22:36 21 hour skype conference just ended! go me! #
  • 23:08 good night my fellow vampires and the rest of you mortals. see you all in the morning. #

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see you next time!

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