2nd trip to boston starts, with audio.

We start boston’s trip with a 3 part audio thing. I don’t have goldwave so have these three parts that make up the first pile of audio from boston. part 1 part 2 part 3 http://media.blubrry.com/stickbearsjamboree/randomaudio.shaned.net/randomdinnertimepart1.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | iHeartRadio | Blubrry | TuneIn | … Read more

And people wonder why I don't fly?

and here, we go again. TSA, seriously agaain The 50-year-old pilot, who lives outside Sacramento, asked that neither he nor his airline be identified. He has worked for the airline for more than a decade and was deputized by the TSA to carry a gun in the cockpit. He is also a helicopter test pilot … Read more

a look back. the fuck have I been up to, in a nutshell.

So, while reviewing this blogs archives for the past just over a year it’s time I come up with one of these. I refer you to the disclaimer of content above to cover my ass as somethings in review here people might not like but to damn bad. For lack of the fact that I’m … Read more

thanks, passport canada, for being made of suck and fail.

so yet again we run into passport canada’s brilliant ideas to as of february 1, 2011 no longer except hospital birth certificates. To obtain the proper certificate, people are asked to contact Ontario’s Vital Statistics Agency. in other words, it’s gonna be even harder to get a passport. thanks passport canada for sucking even more … Read more

part 1 of my trip to boston, welcome to the customs agents being made of serious fail!

well folks, where to start. Le’ts see. this trip started out all right, with the city bus actually being on time for a change, holy shit. then, us, *gasp* actually getting the hell outta hamilton less than 5 minutes behind schedule. Even with a passenger arguing with the driver after trying to board the bus … Read more

so I haven't posted in awhile, whacha gonna do about it?

Hey all, I know, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted in this thing. Whatcha gonna do about it? Kinda been absolutely nuts around here. Where to start. Well a few things of note, on a few different topic fronts, and because I’m geekish we’re gonna list them like this on a personal front here’s what … Read more