7 thoughts on “fitchburg state, you *were* warned.”

  1. And, well shit. Now I think about it I should probably post a summary of what’s going on, for those of you who don’t follow my twitter. My school’s financial aid departmentdeveloped this inherent issue wherein I was one credit short of that required to receive financial aid. Ok, that’s fine. I’ll ask for a waiver. Secretary in the dean’s office tells me it shouldn’t be a problem, as it’s only one credit, but she’d talk to the dean. I wait around with my foot up my ass, get sidetracked by other things for a couple days, I call back, she still claims oh it shouldn’t be a problem. Friday, January 14 rolls around. I have no waiver in my mailbox over there in bumfuck nowhere. This, after I’d left a message at the office on Thursday the 13th, the day *after* we got whacked with one of New england’s trademark wicked bad snowstorms. I wake up at 11 that morning, haul ass to go out to lunch with my grandfather. I come back, still no call. I’m in mid bumfuck nowhere with no cell reception, and Shane’s on my file. Hey. You. Over there. Call FSU and shove a well aimed size 9 up their asses, will ya? Well, he does. He warns them he will be on the next moving vehicle this way, if that waiver does not go out in the mail, that day. Supposedly, it does. However, my mother, even as much of a twerp as she can be at times, does understand the meaning of, watch the mail, incoming waiver. its ass needs to be back here, asafp. And she would have called me, and spoken to my voicemail, (ahem… thank you Verizon?) and alerted me to the fact that this had happened, if the waiver in question had been delivered. Obviously it hadn’t. Because that’s the first thing she’d’ve said to me this afternoon after I called her and explained that the voicemail she left me at 5:50 PM yesterday evening, didn’t get to me until nearly 3 PM this afternoon. Now. Because I didn’t get that waiver, financial aid is telling Mass. Commission for the Blind, that I am not in good academic standing. Web4, FSU’s student portal, tells me otherwise. Mass. Commission for the Blind calls me today, and says they won’t pay, if I don’t get financial aid, because I’m not in good academic standing. I am, however, in good standing, but I’m one god damn motherfucking credit short, and I’m being treated like a student who can’t wipe her own ass, let alone think for herself. Actually come to think of it I recall Kia saying she had issues with financial aid/mcb yesterday when I talked to her, as well, but I don’t know the extent of her issues. It seems to me ever since I called disability services out on their inherent issue with Brailling math, that this fucking place really wants rid of me. Yeah, I know, I kinda just hijacked Shane’s blog. Any questions for either of us, leave ’em in the comments, he or I will get to them. Most likely yours truly will be answering, because he’ll be on the road by 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.

  2. Oh yes…this place has been looking for a way to bounce me out of here since freshman year! I’m almost done, and that’s good, because I’m in murderous rage state. Oh yeah…..I get the school crap. Those of us twenty-somethings who have heart attacks can blame it on them and the stress they cause!

    • I’ve already said if I have a nervous breakdown, I blame FSU entirely. Granted a small [part of it’s me and my strongly willed hell no to antianxiety meds, but that’s…like I said. Personal preference, and a very small part of it.

  3. Don’t you just love goddamned Government’s red tape? I’m sorry this happened, it sucks ass! I hope for the financial aids’ peoples’ sake, that heads do roll when he gets there.

    • Trust me. Heads will roll. There will be people seeking employment. You’ve followed me long enough to know this. They jerked me around for 2 weeks, and now I’m getting jerked around by not one place, but 2.

      • simple, the dean’s office is gonna be asked for a copy of said waver, right their right then, then we march over and slap it on someone’s desk in financial aid, followed by them calling mcb and retracting their bullshit, *after* dispersing financial aid as required, and then by noon, this will be resolved, or I’ll have peoples jobs.
        Any questions? thought not.
        We’ll see who wins by noon on monday.


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