I never thought I'd see the day where those firedrills would be a use.

Over my years of attending the W. Ross Macdonald school, we always had fire drills on a monthly bases, sometimes planned, sometimes caused by some stupid deaf blind twerp pulling the alarm. I could tell stories about those deaf blind people pulling the fire alarm, but that’s not what this post is about. back to … Read more

I never thought I’d see the day where those firedrills would be a use.

Over my years of attending the W. Ross Macdonald school, we always had fire drills on a monthly bases, sometimes planned, sometimes caused by some stupid deaf blind twerp pulling the alarm. I could tell stories about those deaf blind people pulling the fire alarm, but that’s not what this post is about. back to … Read more

a note to the stupid, research before you wine.

So yesterday everyone and their mother was wining about facebook shutting down but sadly, it’s not so please do be shutting your mouth and do your research before you wine. More proof that the claim was false can be found right over here so in short, please get your facts straight before believing things like … Read more

a note to the stupid, research before you wine.

So yesterday everyone and their mother was wining about facebook shutting down but sadly, it’s not so please do be shutting your mouth and do your research before you wine. More proof that the claim was false can be found right over here so in short, please get your facts straight before believing things like … Read more

maple leafs 9, thrashers 3.

I actually watched this one. I thought we squished the Senators, but this time, we turned the thrashers into pancakes. Anyone know where the maple syrup is? If we actually continue to play like this, we might, key word might, have a hope in hell of making the 1st round of the playoffs. I’m not … Read more

I'd like to welcome you to the losing game, atari. enjoy your stay.

Thanks rss feeds, again. this time, we’ve got atari and it’s attempt to sue the company rapid share dotarray writes “Online copyright lawsuits aren’t all about music. Video game publisher Atari Europe recently became concerned that copies of its game Alone in the Dark were floating around one-click file-hosting service RapidShare, so it took the … Read more

I’d like to welcome you to the losing game, atari. enjoy your stay.

Thanks rss feeds, again. this time, we’ve got atari and it’s attempt to sue the company rapid share dotarray writes “Online copyright lawsuits aren’t all about music. Video game publisher Atari Europe recently became concerned that copies of its game Alone in the Dark were floating around one-click file-hosting service RapidShare, so it took the … Read more

and this person has other kids? not anymore she don't.

We start out today… with yet another clue. This is what… the 2nd day in a row? Doing the morning cruise through RSS feeds, we find a mother that got charged for an amber alert, why? because the mother decided to use her kid as insurance so a man would return her car. Then she … Read more