I'd like to welcome you to the losing game, atari. enjoy your stay.

Thanks rss feeds, again.
this time, we’ve got atari and it’s attempt to
the company
rapid share

dotarray writes “Online copyright lawsuits aren’t all about music. Video game publisher Atari Europe recently became concerned that copies of its game Alone in the Dark were floating around one-click file-hosting service RapidShare, so it took the hosting company to court. While they won the initial case, the decision was overturned on appeal, finding that RapidShare is doing nothing wrong.”

My thoughts? that’s how this crap should go, sorry big boys. you lost, gonna try that again?
No, didn’t think so.
please do be going back to your corner, now.

2 thoughts on “I'd like to welcome you to the losing game, atari. enjoy your stay.”

    • in related news, the point was, they lost, the judge simarily told them to fuck off, so they can stay in business, but no suing rapid share. they’ll get told no, again.


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