- 02:15 forgot I had this twitter client installed. need a more accessible one though. ideas? #
- 02:16 this clients to verbose and it’s interface doesn’t provide all the information I’d like. #
- 02:32 UPS tracking is the lose. it says expected delivery date dec 10th but according to the web page it hasn’t left concord yet! what the hell! #
- 02:49 @creepyblindy your back online! I’m busy on msn, but hit me up their. #
- 11:12 @kd6cae I’m gonna kick your ass and @creepyblindy’s gonna have your ass. #
- 11:33 doing server damage control. next time @kd6cae no doing yum remove openSSh. got it? #
- 11:54 damage control still ongoing. #
- 11:55 looks like ssh is back online. let’s see. they had to reboot the box to bring it back. how nice. their goes that uptime #
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