
  • 13:44 @cminner07*huggles a tigger* #
  • 13:46 @cminner07 idiots? their as much fun as telemarketers! in other words, not! #
  • 13:47 @cminner07 your not on the zone! pouts! #
  • 13:48 @cminner07 whoops, ah hell, stop at mcdonalds on the way home in the mom mobile. and what the mother of pout! #
  • 13:48 talking to @wakeangel78 on phone while we both play on twitter. #
  • 13:53 @cminner07 what kind of toys will be in the sad meals? #
  • 13:54 @cminner07 I know, sad meals will have replica’s of jessica in them. #
  • 13:54 @wakeangel78 we’ll send one to cindy. #
  • 13:55 I think my last update was in all caps, shit! damn you caps lock key! #
  • 13:57 @wakeangel78 a tour down the river anyone? lol! #
  • 13:58 @cbell26 I said that already. get your own come backs damnit! lol! #
  • 13:59 @wakeangel78 oh… wow? damn! @cminner07 62 minutes and counting #
  • 14:00 my body hates the knew medications I’m on. maybe I should jsut stop taking them. no better take them or @cminner07 will kill the poohbear #
  • 14:05 @wakeangel78 and then use said razar to cut jacob’s nuts off so he can’t reproduce #
  • 14:06 @cminnner07 but poohbear doesn’t like feeling like shit damnit! *pouts* medications are making me feel like shit. *pout* #
  • 14:09 @creepyblindy your not on msn #
  • 14:12 I’m hungry maybe time to go upstairs and finish the last of the pizza before tiggers kill poohbears. #
  • 14:14 @creepyblindy I want french toast damnit! #
  • 14:14 the question is, do I want pizza or pancakes. #
  • 14:23 @creepyblindy hurry it up, lol. #
  • 14:26 @creepyblindy my personal e-mail is my gmail. grins. I woke up to MSOE crashed and not retrieving my messages. stupid piece of shit #

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