
  • 08:40 I’ve got an interview with humanware to record this afternoon if all the software shit actually works. #
  • 08:43 @cminner07 all right then! file that under useless fact we really didn’t want to know I think? #
  • 08:45 need to go on another cleaning rampage again! hey we actually have garbage bags, holy shit! #
  • 08:52 recording software not working right, how nice. grrrr. #
  • 08:53 @WakeAngel78 as I said earlier, another fact for the useless fact pile. #
  • 08:56 @cminner07 if he wants his mommy he’ll have to go home for that. smile, grin. #
  • 09:01 I’d like to state that yes, it might be morning, but it sure as hell aint a good one, at least not yet that is. #
  • 09:02 @cminner07 your mommy’s at work crystal sorry. you’ll see her at the end of the day. #
  • 09:06 fuck I’ve got a headache. I think it’s cafeen related. damn! #
  • 09:22 someone please explain why this damn collection agency keeps calling when I told them the person they don’t want doesn’t live here! grrrrr! #

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