daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:10 come on! {userappdata} is valid! go to hell! #
  • 00:12 porting a inno setup install to an MS Installer, fuck what fun! #
  • 00:17 @chris28210 holy f! following much? #
  • 00:27 good night humans, vampires and tweeplers. I’m off to the land of sleepy. #
  • 09:05 thanks to the fucking ass whole who just called here and woke me up. it’s much appreciated! #
  • 09:07 @cminner07 no, your authorized to call you dork. #
  • 09:09 @cminner07 your not funny. really your not. #
  • 09:10 ok, I tell you the person doesn’t live here, don’t fucking call me a lier! If they did do u think I’d tell u she didn’t? no! fuck u! #
  • 09:10 @cminner07 *adult warning goes here!* blow me! #
  • 09:12 @cminner07 grins. that it is. #
  • 09:13 this fucking bitch keeps calling here, I’m not impressed. #
  • 09:13 hang on I need to run the morning script, wait I knew their was something wrong about the tweets. wait a minute people! #
  • 09:14 good morning humans, vampires and fellow tweeplers! #
  • 09:15 *growls* what the fuck! now she’s calling me from a cell phone! you stupid arigant bitch! #
  • 09:17 @cminner07 oh my fucking god! I just ran the number through the db here, she’s dead now. dead human anyone? #
  • 09:19 their’s low, then their’s this ass! #
  • 09:20 @cminner07 she needs to be shot. #
  • 09:24 logged onto msn, and now skype, checking e-mail. #msn #skype #e-mail #
  • 09:26 tigger saves me the work for today’s recipe! thankies! I don’t have to pull it from the original message #
  • 09:27 @cminner07 doesn’t look like their’s anything interesting in the rest of that message #
  • 09:28 I really need selective cal exceptance #
  • 09:30 and now I go on hold #
  • 09:32 looks like I might have to use ISPNet2000 or another dry loop provider and DSL, well hell. #
  • 09:33 fine cogeco, you lose. I’ll find anotehr provider. #
  • 09:36 hunting for a DSL provider that does dry loop. #
  • 09:36 and no, that was not meant in a nasty way so shut up @cminner07 #
  • 09:38 @vampiric_angel I didn’t come up with the termonology. so don’t ask me. #
  • 09:39 @cminner07 I didn’t fucking come up with the terminology. #
  • 09:40 @cminner07 should research who came up with that tgenious term…. dry loop dsl…. the implications #
  • 09:40 @cminner07 no, sorry not me #
  • 09:41 @vampiric_angel maybe syd did. ok, bad image! nasty! #
  • 09:42 @vampiric_angel did you unsuspend it? silly you check your settings. #
  • 09:45 @vampiric_angel no, your not the moron who called and pissed off a vampiric poohbear this morning. #
  • 09:48 I need a vacation. really I do #
  • 09:59 @WakeAngel78 kiss, my, ass #
  • 10:03 @cminner07 good for you! #
  • 10:04 idiot! quit being a fucking ass! follow my instructions, or don’t ask for help next time! click the button *first* #
  • 10:13 I just told the imorons parents that their 16-year-old bitch needs to get laid and to fuck off. #
  • 10:14 that was supposed to be moron #
  • 11:01 need coffee. really I do. #
  • 11:23 @rharmon928 change the option in the ini for tweet refresh to 200 #
  • 11:28 @cminner07 I’ve got it already #
  • 11:29 I have coffee! #coffee #
  • 11:50 god didn’t damn it the poohbear did! so god damn the poohbear! #
  • 12:19 working on an install script, people, go get mysteries on the ancients beta one! www.usagamesinteractive.com it rocks! #usagamesinteractive #
  • 12:46 @JeffBishop I want that! give me it! grins. where can I get it. #
  • 1
    I install bit che and jaws goes to hell? #
  • 13:22 the focus and it’s reading is all fucking screwed. ok, bye bye bit che #
  • 13:22 actually UTorrint fucked it #
  • 13:25 got it, reloaded jaws. stupid product. #
  • 13:26 you know what you whore! we do have lives, so fuck you! #
  • 13:27 their comes a time when you want to tell management to suck a left nut and die #
  • 13:27 take your hotline and shove it up your as! #
  • 13:29 @cminner07 that’s all michelle can get now a days #
  • 13:30 @cminner07 ***adult content notice*** that’s how michelle and ray have sex, via their 900 line #
  • 13:34 @cminner07 son bitch! wow! #
  • 13:35 rt @cminner07 @shanedavidson20 pulse stands for putting up with lots of shit for you entertainment. #
  • 16:09 going to find food. be back humans, vampires and fellow tweeplers #
  • 16:26 back from finding fod #
  • 18:09 @creepyblindy no, no, no, and, no! #
  • 18:46 welcome @BlindBirder to the realms of following me and me following you. #
  • 18:49 @creepyblindy no 2 that one about race and gender 2! #
  • 18:49 @creepyblindy it really depends on what the officer in question has done #
  • 18:56 @chris28210 comodo is free. but yeah, that’s overkill. @firewalls-virusSoftware #
  • 19:13 winamp’s causing focus and reading issues. great! #
  • 19:17 good evening humans my fellow vampires and all the rest of you tweeplers out their. #
  • 21:35 Without net access but can b reached mobily via messenger #

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see you next time!

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