daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:56 working through a server reload, the initial install is a bitch, mostly waiting and trying not to fall asleep! #
  • 01:02 @WakeAngel78 I could use a beer right now, or something alcaholic or stuff. #
  • 01:09 @vampiric_angel and I are fighting with livejournal and screaming at it 2 go faster #
  • 02:17 go me! rt @gwhosting packages in system, account re establish has been initiated. #
  • 02:21 @BlindBirder they went to bird and then some #
  • 02:22 the account restoration continues. this is as much fun as homework! not at all! #
  • 02:23 @creepyblindy I like that analigy! #
  • 02:24 rt @creepyblindy @BlindBirder @shanedavidson20 maybe a bird got into the server fan and blew it up? lol. #
  • 02:29 @BlindBirder nope, this is the first server issue in a long time. cyber-node.com has been the server with the DDOS issues last week, snicker #
  • 02:30 @creepyblindy now, aren’t you glad we aint over their anymore? *smirk* #
  • 02:37 and the largest account backup slides into the homeplate at 4.3GB! and that’s mother bird compressed! #
  • 02:40 my terminal windows full of periods! nooooo! #
  • 02:47 account restoration continues. #gwhosting #
  • 02:52 gwhosting.net should be online I can get to it. #gwhosting #
  • 02:55 gwfans.net gwhosting.net and the audiofic account are live. I hope. #gwhosting #
  • 02:56 just restored bpcprograms.com and now working on shaned.net. #
  • 02:56 usagamesinteractive.com is back up, 1 of the first restored. #usagamesinteractive #gwhosting #
  • 03:00 @creepyblindy lmao mike, that’s fuckin’ good! #stupidity #
  • 03:06 damn, softlayer doesn’t use twitter for their support reps. sad. #softlayer #
  • 03:15 4 accounts to go and everything customer data wise will be restored. not bad, did it in under 5 hours. #
  • 03:16 from server shutdown 2 now including OS reload, took less than 5 hours. that’s with account restoration, not bad if I do say so myself #
  • 03:18 if that’d been in the UK we’d still bee waiting on the OS reload as it’s not automated. #
  • 03:18 restoring final account as I type this. #
  • 03:21 beautiful! start time, 12:00AM EST, completed, 3:20AM EST. total time, 3:20. hell yeah! #
  • 03:22 that’s 3 hours 20 minutes from server shutdown through complete OS reload initial configuration and complete data restoration! I like that! #
  • 03:26 all services functioning again, any customers with queeries or questions, holler. #
  • 03:31 with the way I worked, you’d swear I worked for softlayer. #softlayer #
  • 03:34 apache, it may be 3:30AM but now’s not the time to piss me off. #
  • 03:42 rebuilding apache to intigrate the appropriate changes needed. #
  • 03:44 @lights_rage oh hell, this shit’s become second nature to me. #
  • 03:48 @creepyblindy beautiful! wooo! #
  • 03:50 @creepyblindy yes, I’m god. what’s your point. lol. #
  • 03:55 apache build complete! #
  • 03:56 fuck you! CURL is not installed or is disabled on your server. bullshit it aint! #
  • 04:02 and here we go again! recompiling for the last time, I, hope! #
  • 04:25 build complete, systems operational! ok, time to stop playing with the server for now. #
  • 04:56 remounting the 1TB drive. #
  • 04:56 or maybe not, stupid idiots phoning at god awful hours #
  • 05:20 account restores started at 2:18AM EST and were done by 3:27AM EST. beautiful. I like that speed record. grins. softlayer for the win! #
  • 07:19 @sandorboy do I even want to know? #
  • 08:28 this is what I like to see from a customer. Wow! You guys move like the energizer bunny. You keep going, and going, and going. Grin. #
  • 08:29 and my response to that customer? We’re like cogeco, we give you more, more, more! #
  • 08:30 @planethitsradio yes we are, we give you more more more, great service! #
  • 09:19 quit telling me Sorry! Your request cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later. you piece of shit! #
  • 09:59 just raised hell with fido. #
  • 09:59 note this poohbear hasn’t slept and I don’t wanna sleep. so their! #
  • 10:01 I’ve seen better five day forcasts, but I can live with this one. #
  • 10:02 @vampiric_angel morning to my fellow vampire #
  • 10:03 @planethitsradio because it’s pick on adam day #
  • 11:31 working on a lot of the little shit on the server that was missed during initial install/restoration #
  • 17:54 working with irate individuals is know fun #
  • 20:43 guess I’m not meant to fooll around. I’ll just go be by myself then if that’s the attitude I’m going to get. #
  • 21:01 intigrating my source mods into the latest filezilla release. this is fun! not! #
  • 21:05 force SSL no longer works, y? because you need open sl for it to rwork now! fine, I’ll just intigrate the mother fucker! #
  • 21:13 I hate compile errors #
  • 22:28 lord help us, I’ve got more cafeen! #
  • 23:27 IE and me are about to start to not get along. #

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see you next time!

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