these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 05:08 awake just after 5AM, erg. another start to another day… #
- 06:10 microsoft and me are gonna go round and round and round #
- 06:35 @planethitsradio Go Friday! #
- 08:35 feeling depressed and just worthless. #
- 10:15 Are You Truth or Dare? – – You Are Truth #blogthings #
- 10:40 I want 2 download all my lj entries into one XML file 4 import 2 wordpress, is it possible? if so, how. #
- 13:00 stepping out, phones are finding me. #
- 16:46 playing on the knew full facebook website. they finally put in headings again! go them! #
- 17:55 FS broke the latest update, wait, how is that different from any other time? #
- 17:56 had to download the installer from the web as the check for updates feature failed miserably #
- 19:10 hates that I can’t access fido online services. damned inaccessible web page. #
- 19:20 please rt this: check out for our resellers packages #
- 22:00 night twitter. #
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see you next time!