daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/nkhvwf #
  • 09:45 awake, morning twitter. #
  • 17:33 and I thought only blind people siadpout but anotehr sighted person just said pout! #
  • 17:34 ok, and I have to learn to spell, yep we know thi #
  • 18:08 is not impressed with the elivators in this building, 1 elivator out of 3 for the entire building? what the hell is that crap #
  • 18:11 My Daily Twittascope – twittascope.com/my2.php?sign=Aquarius #
  • 23:57 @creepyblindy‘s a dumb ass #
  • 23:57 @creepyblindy no, I’d rather call you a dumbass. grins. #
  • 23:59 @creepyblindy that’s dirty mike! but I expect nothing less. lol #

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see you nexst time!

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