T S A? you did what and to whom?

yes, I get this tarerist thing, really I do. You’d swear I was one after my experience with boarder control on my arrival to the states. but no, their’s a lot worse. Read on. I understand tarerists are a given now adays, especially after 9/11, but needless to say, TSA, was this Really required to … Read more

I've met another pain in my ass, that of the FSU student network and it's help desk

so a couple of days ago, the fitchburg state university student network started having massive issues that were made of utter failure. Packet loss, dropping us on the floor, horrid DNS resolution, etc. etc. etc. We chocked it up to students on this router being bandwidth hogs, and generally a detriment to the ability for … Read more

part 1 of my trip to boston, welcome to the customs agents being made of serious fail!

well folks, where to start. Le’ts see. this trip started out all right, with the city bus actually being on time for a change, holy shit. then, us, *gasp* actually getting the hell outta hamilton less than 5 minutes behind schedule. Even with a passenger arguing with the driver after trying to board the bus … Read more

I've been victimized by the devel, cpanel!

I used to have this mild dislike for Cpanel that is supposedly the leading control panel, or so it’s website says. After tonight, that mild dislike has turned into utter hatred. as james has also posted It started out as a mild wordpress issue that I asked him to help me fix. actually it was … Read more