and people wonder why I'll *never* take paratransit if I have anything to say about it?

People have the audacity to ask from time to time.

Your a disabled blind person, so why don’t you use paratransit. their very helpful.

My standard response

I’m not a cripple, I’m just blind. I’m plenty capable of taking public transportation, but thanks for asking, though.

Well now, we add I don’t feel like being sexually assaulted to my statement, as well. If I can get away with public transit, your damn right I’ll take it. Sorry paratransit, you aren’t getting my business.

2 thoughts on “and people wonder why I'll *never* take paratransit if I have anything to say about it?”

  1. And this is why I have no issue/problem with the fact Oc Transpo’s para service will not accept a client just based on the fact they might be blind/vi.

  2. Not to mention they’re very expensive, at least down here. and I don’t like how they don’t use the specially provided tie-down spots on my chair, instead doing what the dealer told me never to let them do, that being tie down the foot rests and back wheels, instead of the strong points on the frame. Morons.


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