the past 24 hours have been nuts? yeah. I'll go with that.

So, when I
initially posted
regarding my exceptance to
Guide dogs for the blind
I had a few month’s to save money, complete necessary immunizations, (not required to cross, but recommended for my safety), and just get my ducks in a row.
Until yesterday, April 24, 2012 at 5:12PM eastern time.
What a crazy 8 minute conversation that was .
Basically, me being on the cancelations list, meant there was a possibility, not likely, but it was there, that I would get into an earlier class.
Yesterday’s conversation from Ryan of the admissions department indicated that instead of August 26, 2012 to september 8, 2012, I’d be going from May 6th to May 19th, 2012.
This has given me just over a week, 12 days from yesterday, to put my ducks in a row.
It’s been an insane 24 hours. Solidifying flight arrangements, transportation to the airport, health ensurance adjustments, getting US phone service configured, it’s been one thing after another nad it finally got completed.
Look for more later as this adventure hits the home stretch, over 3 month’s ahead of schedule!

2 thoughts on “the past 24 hours have been nuts? yeah. I'll go with that.”

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