how do you confuse…. those?

so a restaurant has this nasty habbit of confusing drinks. This time, a milk shake, and an alcoholic beverage. Brooklynn Morris, 4, was served an alcoholic mudslide at a Chicago Chili’s restaurant, her mother says. (Credit: CBS) CHICAGO (CBS) – An Applebee’s in the Detroit suburb of Madison Heights, Mich., made headlines after a 15-month-old … Read more

and sighted people had the nerve to question my parent skills as a blind person? really?

Oh yeah, this is exactly what I wanted to wake up to reading via rss feeds this morning. While scrolling through RSS feeds, I come across this. Here’s the article in it’s entirety. Vancouver couple have been arrested for allegedly holding their two young autistic boys captive in a darkened, caged room. Responding to a … Read more

oh yeah, welcome to brainless, and stupid.

we all as humans have rights, weather your american, canadian, british, japanese, chinese, whoever you are, you have basic rights. But now, these rights extend to mother nature The linked article states What does the new Bolivian law mean? It means that tics that suck the blood, the choking sulphur pits of volcanic vents, the … Read more

a sentancing finally comes down the pipe. she deserves it.

As posted previously a colorado child died after drowning in the bathtub, while his mother was on facebook Well now, the mother has been sentanced Here’s that article in it’s entirety. A northern Colorado woman who was playing a game on Facebook while her 13-month-old child drowned in a full bathtub was sentenced Friday to … Read more

and here we go again, the ontario government breaking the budgit.

So as I posted yesterday I’m dealing with more financial problems and could write a friggen book about it. Now, we see the ontario government has decided that causing even more upheavel is the order of the day. Carey Lynn Asselstine, who brought daughter Natalie to Queen’s Park on Tuesday, expressed disappointment the Ontario budget … Read more

small note to the record labels, you earn enough money, piss off, right now.

so amazon. has launched this great knew service that allows it’s customer to store their music on their services for playing on multiple devices. I took a look at it, and like the idea, a tad inaccessible, but what you gonna do, right? Well now, amazon’s facing possible legal action because they don’t have the … Read more

at least they’ll now have a toilet on the go.

So someone decided late last saturday night to make off with a porta potty. .BOGNOR, Ont. – It’s not something you’d think most people would want, but somebody made off with a portable washroom in central Ontario. Provincial police say the port-a-potty was stolen from ski trails on Grey Sauble Conservation Authority property, about 15 … Read more

hey, united states? canada’s kickin’ your ass, again!

Once again, we here in canada proove we have a better handle on this digital thing than the united states. We took the year by storm with 18% growth over the united states impressive 1%. Oh, wait, it gets better. In 2009, our digital growth was 38%, and the united states was… what’s that? only … Read more