daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/o8usse #
  • 13:28 @creepyblindy check your dm’s. #
  • 14:21 it’s pritty bad when your using direct messages like an instant messenger. grins #
  • 14:25 @blindboarder200 your coming through loud and clear. #
  • 15:05 I’ve got half a mind to reinstall the OS on this computer again. XP’s memory management with anything over 2GB stinks #
  • 15:05 @creepyblindy what’d you do to it. #
  • 15:58 hates newegg.com because @animalgirl7 will have to jump through hoops to get her netbook. damn u shipping address varrification! #
  • 15:58 shold have been newegg.ca #
  • 16:56 come on paypal. give me my money. grrr #
  • 17:51 hurry up I want my money for the love of pout! #
  • 18:07 My Daily Twittascope – bit.ly/14F8UO #
  • 19:40 telling me i don’t have appropriate permissions and 2 contact my system administrator when I *am* the admin isn’t very nice windows. #
  • 19:55 outlook’s severely crashing my computer. not fuckin’ cool #

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see you nexst time!

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