these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 02:45 hates upsetting customers. but policy is policy weather we like it or not. #
- 03:55 going to bed finally. night night twitterlings. #
- 13:49 @creepyblindy you no u spend way 2 much time on twitter… when? #
- 13:53 just finished a rapid scroll of tweets for the day. time for coffee me thinks. smoke alarm still fuckin’ going off in 2610 grrr! #
- 13:54 @kjw810 hello kelly #
- 13:54 @kwinslow2 morning kevin #
- 13:56 @creepyblindy whoops! k, fine. time 4 #coffee before I start #work for #gwhosting. wants #$$$’s in his #paypal #account. #
- 18:07 My Daily Twittascope – #
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see you nexst time!