daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/crmqnp #
  • 07:41 awake, morning all. got some good sleep, finally. going through tweets then e-mail, in that order. over 500 tweets since 7PM last night #
  • 07:52 tweets gotten through nothing too spictacular. coffee time me thinks. #
  • 08:23 @cowboy_alan lol! morning alan from the vampiric poohbear realm #
  • 08:36 @cowboy_alan your up early it’s not even 8AM over their #
  • 09:17 @cowboy_alan lol! nice one! #
  • 09:41 @CathyAnneMurtha I no how that goes I looked @ one of the people helping me pack up the last place & I went I really have this much crap? #
  • 12:01 tune in 4 a country show starting at 1PM on the east, 10AM on the west! tune in @ www.lunaticradio.net! the mre requests the longer I go! #
  • 12:33 RT @SingleHop: The Whir on our latest upgrade. 100Mbps uplink port for all customers & free inbound traffic. bit.ly/19dELf Check … #
  • 13:23 now live on lunatic radio with an all country show! tune in! www.lunaticradio.net & put in your country requests at www.shaned.net/reque … #
  • 15:47 rock on the bots back on IRC! #
  • 15:47 I can tweet from irc again! talk about lazy! #
  • 16:37 tweeting from the system access mobile network socializer! #
  • 18:13 My Daily Twittascope (tinyurl.com/cg3umm) #
  • 19:45 @creepyblindy if you set it to archive after pop3 download it sure as shit will #
  • 19:46 @creepyblindy sucks about u not getting job. #
  • 19:46 wow! @mikecalvo is on twitter! #
  • 19:48 I’ve got over 18000 messages in deleted items, time to empty the folder I think? #
  • 19:50 my deleted items folder is 107MB, yep, time to empty it! #
  • 19:52 @creepyblindy click the archive link/onmouseover depending on what #voiceover calls it. it does by default if u didn’t fuck with settings #
  • 19:52 @creepyblindy in the forwarding/pop3 settings except 2 turn it on. #
  • 19:59 @nightdrake alt+t then y twice and all gone it goes. #

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see you nexst time!

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