these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:00 daily batch of tweets #
- 01:09 ripping one of the books I got from the public library #
- 01:26 almost done ripping THE BOOK titled Star Wars- Labyrinth Of Evil by James Luceno #
- 01:37 book ripping complete, back to the task of this stupid mail issue! grrr! #
- 02:26 night twitter #
- 10:42 @rowdyamerican telus go fuck yourselves #
- 10:47 awake, finally. morning twitterlings #
- 10:50 2mail issue to resolve today, looks like that tickets still open, and I’m expecting to get paid today for a project… woot! #
- 14:23 @cminner07 yep, their is. #
- 14:27 just finished looking through all my tweets from the three hours I was reading. #
- 14:36 @creepyblindy what’s firstclass? #
- 14:46 @vampiric_angel hi to the bestist vampire! #
- 14:58 RT @audible_com: Is it a sign you are doing things right when…your customers write and perform jingles about your service? bit. … #
- 15:28 what part of I’m not interested do you not understand! stupid people! #
- 15:43 feeling kind of depressed and lonely. I hate these days. #
- 15:47 @WakeAngel78 yay! oh, you never call poohbear anymore, and that makes sad! *pout* #
- 15:48 @cminner07 ew’w”ww’ idiots! heea tigger from a poohbear! call when you wog off? #
- 16:15 @WakeAngel78 it doesn’t when it tells me the number you have dialed can’t bereached from your calling area #
- 16:15 @WakeAngel78 so pout to that! #
- 16:23 hates my phone. fidYawn quit acting like a piece of ass. #
- 16:49 @cminner07 call poohbear when you wog off peaz? #
- 20:13 fidora randomly crashes my system, brilliant! #
- 20:16 @cminner07 stupid cum guzzling vacation steeling whore! #
- 21:15 @wx1gdave I am running orca and but it crashes when not loaded. add me to skype djlush to discuss this further #
- 21:17 what else do u want 2 know canadian government, how many times I ejaculate in a day? god! 35 page application, mostly useless shit! #
- 21:20 @WakeAngel78 I’ll still be awake then. grins. probably still filling out this damn form #
- 22:00 @planethitsradio what is microshaft doing? did I miss something>? #
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see you nexst time!