these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:01 daily batch of tweets #
- 00:19 ACBRadio, where your listening to our business #
- 03:02 Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP l8r2v7 #
- 03:04 sleepy time. night night all. #
- 12:07 awake, 5 hours behind schedule, fuck #
- 12:08 hates when my alarm don’t wake me when it’s supposed to. #
- 14:24 journal press isn’t posting to LJ, and it’s been busted the past week? how not fuckin’ cool! #
- 21:32 yay! I’m being brought a roll up the rim to lose coffee! woot! #
- 22:02 and roll up the rim today is another please pay again! erg! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
see you nexst time!