these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:00 daily batch of tweets #
- 00:58 is getting tired will be putting on a book and sleeping once this download completes. #
- 06:02 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 12:19 need to go to wall mart and pick up doggie food for a certain roslyn guide dog #
- 12:30 is waiting for the kettle to boil #
- 12:32 @cminner07 morning tigger. #
- 12:34 come on kettle boil, I need coffee! #
- 12:35 tells @hellkatt84 that kd can be bought at $0.50 a box from the dollar store #
- 12:49 I have cafeen! they call me insta human for a reason. smile, grin #
- 13:34 Is heading out 4 a bit to pick up stuff. #
- 13:56 Is on a king to east gate and wall mart. #
- 15:32 What part of she’s fucking working do u not get u spoiled little fucking child. Leave. The. Dog. Alone! #
- 16:46 back at home. still other things to do #
- 18:05 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 19:56 ok, porting stuff to the laptop. this is fun. need to set up OE first. #
- 20:01 emergency backup why are you being a whore. restore you son bitch #
- 20:02 why is qwitter reporting tweets as being from an hour ago in the current hour, excuse me? #
- 20:14 helps if fucking windows keeps the settings it’s programmed with, we’re in eastern not central you bastard! #
- 20:15 @lights_rage: tried that and the kid kept it up. #
- 20:15 oh dear god! it #
- 20:16 oh dear god! it’s raining! ok, guess IK’m stuck inside unless I am taking doggie out! #
- 20:16 and it’s been discovered that I can’t type on this keyboard just yet. practice will make perfict I suppose #
- 20:40 i’sbeing a good bear and eating so tiggers no get bad at bears. because that would be really really bad #
- 20:41 that was suppose to be mad, oy, learn to type I must #
- 20:56 this cat is nuts he just tried to jump up my arm #
- 20:58 @hamsterwoman: who knows but damn it I didn’t have a camera to capture it #
- 21:00 hey it’s stopped raining, wonder if I should take the dog out now? @animalgirl7 is passed right the hell out, holy wow #
- 21:12 working on coursework #
- 21:22 why can’t i concintrate on my coursework? #
- 21:26 fuck I can’t aquire a license for this book because I need to redownload it, fine I’ll do the assignment without the damn book. grrr. #
- 21:41 and the reasono the instructors are using the same book for this course as @dcreepyblindy’s UAA course, is why? …continued… #
- 21:41 they know I can’t get it from RFBD because I am not a US citizen, god stupid morons. final. #
- 21:42 why a canadian school is teaching US justice, is beyond me. confused I is #
- 21:52 yep, of course, its as I expected. thank you to a certain person who’s rfbd access just saved my ass. @creepyblindy you rock. #
- 21:52 fuck I forgot how huge this textbook is. ok, maybe I can’t download it here, grrr #
- 21:53 damn it where’s a wireless hamilton access point when I need it. grrrt. #
- 22:30 @Keao: idiot, moron, just an outright prick that needs too not procreate. #
- 22:31 going to leave the PC for a bit, if I’m needed call t he cell #
- 22:34 @Mongoose_Q: I fixed it. windows is having problems holding the timezone settings. not sure why #
- 23:28 Walking to timmies. Yep its late but i don’t care. Im bored. #
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see you nexst time!
Mirrored from shane's rants!.