these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:00 daily batch of tweets #
- 00:54 not a lot of changes this time around in wp2.8 #
- 01:17 Off to bed. Night twitter. Mobile tweets off. #
- 06:02 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 11:19 morning twitter I’m awake. #
- 12:17 paypal release the funds so I can send them to my bank account! #
- 12:35 wishing @creepyblindy would wake the hel up #
- 13:10 @kd6cae sucks to b u #
- 14:29 Heading out for awhile. #
- 16:30 I have sugar and cafeen. O o. grins #
- 18:04 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 18:09 turnning mobile tweets off so they quit interupting my reading #
- 21:44 Y am i still wide awake. Grr. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
see you nexst time!
Mirrored from shane's rants!.