daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 01:08 wonder if I can backdate entries in LJ? #
  • 01:14 ok, LJ and wordpress now have all available entries, even the 2 that were stored in txt files on my computers HD #
  • 01:15 and backdating entries is deffinitly a good thing. #
  • 01:54 night twitterlings and fellow vampires. talk to ya’ll when I wake up. #
  • 18:42 I’m still alive tweeples and fellow vampires #
  • 19:26 sandwiches, kd, bareedo’s, what do I want for dinner. wishing i had money to order pizza with, anyone wanna help?: grins. #
  • 20:12 everyone should listen to tonight’s main menu as their’s a huge announcement tonight. www.acbradio.org #
  • 20:38 going upstairs to make food, those that have the number I’ve got my phone #
  • 22:31 bit.ly/DxOzj Twitter Suspending Re-follows – Is Your Account in Danger? #

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see you nexst time!

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