daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/qk8xc2 #
  • 05:38 noticing after singlehop maintenance ping responses are lower. beautiful! dropped from 26MS to 21MS. nice! #
  • 06:08 fixing up the customer survey system for #gwhosting then will initiate sending to the clients from yesterday. only 1 but it’s all good! #
  • 06:33 survey db is broke, um, not good? #
  • 12:48 need to finish @animalgirl7′s jawter installation now that the roag missing file that was crashing jaws was replaced. #
  • 18:05 My Daily Twittascope – bit.ly/14F8UO #
  • 19:07 @planethitsradio the installer is being a stupid prick. contact me on msn for further details or call amber on skype for verbal stuff. #
  • 20:39 @cminner07 yay for a tigger! #
  • 23:06 waiting for chris 2 get back with subs. #
  • 23:11 wil b calling city hall in the morning. that was not cool @ all. #
  • 23:28 is tired so off to bed. night all. #

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see you nexst time!

Mirrored from shane's rants!.