these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:00 daily batch of tweets #
- 12:57 awake. finally #
- 13:00 god damn USPS. package could take 7-14 days to arrive. well hell #
- 13:31 adding more followers to my list #
- 13:34 wishes he could get @animalgirl7′s netbook so it’d be here when she got here but I have to wait. *pout* #
- 14:21 I just used UnTweeps to unfollow 18 Tweeps who haven’t tweeted recently. #
- 14:23 I just used UnTweeps to unfollow 15 Tweeps who haven’t tweeted recently. #
- 14:39 @JamesScholes take the period off the end of it and it’ll work. #
- 15:22 @creepyblindy that’s highly amusing #
- 15:50 when someone asks me to run a credit card before I make them a quote, please, kindly give me a valid card for fuck sakes! grrrr! #
- 18:04 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 18:34 working on gwhosting firewalls and security. #
- 22:29 is working on wordpress themes for a #gwhosting customer as a favor. #
- 23:25 @RicksterTheGeek I like goldwave’s file murger and the converting abilities. I use sr, sf, and gw 4 my recording/production needs. #
- 23:30 night everyone #
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see you nexst time!
Mirrored from shane's rants!.