daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/qcylkw #
  • 10:46 @vampire_girl110 morning to a vampire from a vampiric poohbear. smile. #
  • 10:47 join me today from 4PM 2 7PM EDT 4 canadian fried country on lunatic radio! www.lunaticradio.net hope 2 see u their! #
  • 10:57 What Element Were You Born Into? – tinyurl.com/r9gbv2 – You Were Born into the Fire Element #blogthings #
  • 10:58 hell that one’s correct. wow! #
  • 10:59 what element are you? #
  • 11:03 yep I think I need to fix tweet suite it didn’t post the link to my last post so here it is for yall. www.shaned.net/blog/?p=245 #
  • 14:06 @animalgirl7‘s computer crashed or net died. I can’t access machine 2 restore connectivity. pout. #
  • 18:06 My Daily Twittascope – bit.ly/14F8UO #

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see you nexst time!

Mirrored from shane's rants!.