daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:01 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/conna7 #
  • 00:09 pokes @creepyblindy wake the fuck up! #
  • 00:33 damn it server! bad time to error out on me. #
  • 00:33 that’s the #softlayer cpanel instal 4 u #
  • 00:39 mutters threats at the #softlayerServer for not letting him download the apache profile. #
  • 01:56 @rowdyamerican welcome back earle! we still on 4 may 4th? #
  • 02:03 what should have taken me an hour has turned into 8. damnit! #
  • 07:55 30 minutes of sleep, isreally all the sleep I need, really it is! #
  • 07:58 oh for fuck sakes. it’s not even 8AM, fuck off customers! if the ticketing system isn’t working, wait 4 phone support 2 open @ 9AM! #
  • 08:26 I’ll take the weekend! Friday:Sunny. Low plus 2. High 23. Saturday:Sunny. Low 13. High 25. Sunday:A mix of sun and cloud. Low 15. High 24. #
  • 08:34 @cminner07 bad msn pout! #
  • 14:37 ok, my body finally decided to let me sleep, but I’m up again. @creepyblindy let’s get to work. #singlehopserver needs our attention. smile. #
  • 14:37 @creepyblindy who the hell said you could go out. smile. grin. #
  • 15:30 @vampire_girl110 test, failed! #
  • 15:41 for the record #singlehop #support rocks! wooo! go #singlehop! #
  • 16:46 holding a solid 1.4 mb/sec from #softlayer inbound to #singlehop #
  • 17:28 @CathyAnneMurtha I have to agree #
  • 18:15 My Daily Twittascope (tinyurl.com/cg3umm) #
  • 20:29 this might peek a few people’s interests. tinyurl.com/dlbvtq #
  • 21:39 @creepyblindy sabrina should be able to decline the amount if paypal allows that #
  • 23:25 damn sighted aspects of websites! they realy piss me off sometimes. especially coding them. #

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see you nexst time!

Mirrored from shane's rants!.