these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:03 loud twitter finally posted. rock! #
- 00:36 @creepyblindy currently reading Harry Potter and the Runespoor Shield #
- 02:50 wonders where the fuck @creepyblindy went on msn. #
- 04:28 going to read and snooze. night all. #
- 12:19 awake. morning twitter #
- 12:20 wait it’s afternoon, whoops #
- 12:23 @vampiric_angel oh o tay. #
- 12:31 on phone with @singlehopchris #
- 12:51 pout my weather isn’t tweeting to twitter. cries #
- 15:57 responded to @singlehopchris’s e-mail message. just waiting for the information I requested #
- 16:03 nothing against #singlehop but checking out other server providers to keep options open. #
- 16:08 #iweb for the lose. sorry. 1gigabyt networking, or no deal #
- 16:15 @planethitsradio I’m their now. talking to thomas H #
- 16:49 Passenger lands plane after pilot dies #
- 17:05 @SingleHopChris got it! #
- 17:06 @SingleHopChris have a response in return. #
- 17:18 @SingleHopChris have another response. #
- 17:20 @singlehopchris you’ve got voicemail. #
- 17:31 gone out to buy ram n stuff, call cell if I’m needed. #
- 18:23 My Daily Twittascope ( #
- 19:04 On way home #
- 19:07 Driver just said i should get a girlfriend #
- 19:36 home from shopping, computer now has 3GB ram but thanks 2 onboard video windows is only reporting 2.93GB of RAM #
- 19:42 @SingleHopChris I did, the last question was regarding 1GB networking & I sent it by e-mail. #
- 20:31 don’t give @arush and me fatal errors you bitch. #
- 22:04 @SingleHopChris you’ve got an e-mail message. according to @creepyblindy we can move our crap on our own. 100MBPS port I’m assuming? #
- 22:15 @SingleHopChris oops! I never sent it, duh! I’ll get with you in a sec. after I call @creepyblindy. #
- 22:16 @SingleHopChris add me to msn [email protected] so I can nail you their #
- 22:35 @SingleHopChris what’s your msn e-mail address, I.e. [email protected] I’ll add you from this end #
- 23:31 ripping the #singlehop portal a knew ass. #singlehop is about to learn accessibility and learn it quick! 😀 #
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see you nexst time!
Mirrored from shane's rants!.