daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/d7zqp8 #
  • 10:13 back from orientation and mobility and morning twitterlings and fellow vampires #
  • 10:47 @cminner07 all right if you classify touring the building and being stopped by everyone and their mother and being asked, are you blind? #
  • 10:52 the question, are you blind? really gets annoying after the 40th time in the span of 60 minutes. At least it felt like 40 times. oy! #
  • 11:02 signal loss to modem equals bad! #
  • 15:06 awake from nap, logging back onto msn #
  • 15:55 that’s amusing when a cogeco tech tells me to call him directly and not the call center as according to him they don’t know jack shit #
  • 17:07 outlook keeps crashing, excuse me not cool! #
  • 18:42 @cminner07 oh hell! everyone fuckin’ run! #
  • 19:59 testing #
  • 20:04 why is easynews taking forever to bring up the file download dialogue! pout! #
  • 22:14 @rharmon928 get sighted assistance! that software’s a piece of shit #

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see you nexst time!

Mirrored from shane's rants!.