daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:01 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/dfypw8 #
  • 00:14 @wakeangel78 @cminner07 @vampiric_angel @creepyblindy I get bella damn it! #
  • 00:20 @WakeAngel78 nope, bella, mine. #
  • 03:54 @BlindTwit their are pay as you go GSM options in Canada. Rogers is the major huge one here. direct message, or msn me 4 more information #
  • 07:34 @WakeAngel78 what a bastard. #
  • 07:44 @WakeAngel78 I really don’t know what he gets out of doing that crap. #
  • 07:46 @WakeAngel78 if you get time, or feel like calling, or something, feel free. #
  • 07:46 @WakeAngel78 I’m an adult u stupid moron. does that mean nothing to your addled brain? #
  • 07:48 @wakeangel78 moron! *kicks him in head* #
  • 07:50 @WakeAngel78 hey, reminds me of my parents. we recognize the similarities? #
  • 07:54 @wakeangel78 they didn’t have to, they insinuated enough. #
  • 09:23 playing with the lambda core. but for some reason, it starts but I can’t connect, wonder y. #
  • 09:24 @tallin32 fido or rogers. I know rogers deffinitly does. I’ve got a prepaid phone through them for imergencies. #
  • 09:54 @WakeAngel78 aw’w”w how cute. #
  • 09:55 going to lie down and read, or something like that. #
  • 14:46 codefactory, if you’ve changed your policies then why haven’t you updated your F.A.Q you morons! like, duh! #
  • 14:55 ok, time to go back to my book and probably fall asleep again. #
  • 17:46 most of the boxes are packed and upstairs, taking a break for a bit. We’re in the home stretch folks! wooo! #
  • 18:42 @WakeAngel78 left. if memory serves. #
  • 19:01 damn you stupid customer service people #
  • 19:02 @wakeangel78 she’s either still on phone or she’s gone to burger king. #
  • 19:05 hungry but don’t know what I want to eat. #
  • 19:21 all the boxes are finally upstairs. jesus, I didn’t know I had so much crap! wow! #
  • 22:08 @vampiric_angel evening to the eryn! makes happy poohbear now! #
  • 22:24 @WakeAngel78 anyone interesting on the skype? #
  • 22:25 @vampiric_angel it’s my favorite vampire! grins. how’s you. #
  • 22:27 @WakeAngel78 clints still avlive? grins #
  • 22:31 @vampiric_angel all right. all the boxes are upstairs. just the bed and the computer and the monitor to be taken up tomorrow #
  • 22:49 rocking to k94 online! you shld to! www.k94online.com #

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see you nexst time!

Mirrored from shane's rants!.