daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:55 Night twitterlings. Updates r off till morning. Will b up at 7 am. #
  • 08:41 Thanks to someone’s stupidity roslyn is sick. Thanks ranell #
  • 08:48 Im awake. #
  • 08:56 Really needs cafeen. #
  • 09:10 Caffene on the go. Come on kettle. #
  • 09:23 Come on caffene kick in. #
  • 10:10 Computer in cart. Next? #
  • 10:34 Is waiting for a 5 2 go downtown. #
  • 10:37 @hellkatt84 yes dork. Lol. #
  • 10:52 Hey stupid hamilton driver. Bus has right of way so fuc off. O your horn blows does your wife? #
  • 10:55 Im sorry. That was priceless. #
  • 10:59 Im gonna die of laughter. Ill have to rt that when i get home. #
  • 11:39 fucking hamiltonians. what part of blind do you not understand. you inconsiderate sons of bitches. #
  • 11:39 oh, I’m home by the way./ #
  • 11:48 bleach ftw. geting high off bleach! rock on! smile, grin #
  • 13:35 Playing kick the bin as i walk to food bank. #
  • 13:48 Waiting at food bank. #
  • 13:55 Thank u for that pieceof infomation #
  • 15:46 welcome knew followers. #
  • 15:49 twitter, quit being gay! #
  • 15:49 fuck you twitter and your mamma two #
  • 15:52 twitter, would you mind for a change working? or is that to hard for you to grasp #
  • 15:52 I’m being blamed for adicting someone to a song, rock on! #
  • 15:58 what’s this about these cookies only having 100 calories? come on! #
  • 16:01 am I really blind? I throw like a sighted person #
  • 16:29 the phrase of the day in this huosehold is fuckin’ wo #
  • 16:29 oops, that should be fuckin’ wow. #
  • 16:31 we’re debating going bus surfing for something to do. hey, chris isn’t here, that means, wait, we’ll leave that to every1’s imagination. 🙂 #
  • 16:33 going out, I’ve got my phone and stuff. #
  • 16:54 going bus surfing #
  • 17:03 Amber just cussed in public. Fuckin wow. #
  • 17:26 On a 26 heading to 7 11 on the mountain. #
  • 17:32 Hsr bus driver admits he is wrong. Round of applause. #
  • 17:56 @buschic she said fuckin wow. #
  • 18:01 Sighted person said open your eyes. Sorry blind no can do. #
  • 18:04 But it no help #
  • 18:07 My Daily Twittascope – bit.ly/14F8UO #
  • 18:09 Weeeeeea sugar! Rock oon! #
  • 18:15 I’m gona die of laughter #
  • 18:22 @hellkatt84 is bus surfing cause if she sits puddles will happen. #
  • 18:32 @buschic i’m good for something. Ed hasn’t called me back. Boo hiss pout #
  • 18:35 Going to limeridge mall so sighties can potty. #
  • 18:46 Trying to reach @buschic by phone and can’t. Boo pout hiss. Smile grin. #
  • 18:51 Wtf am i doing yawning. #
  • 18:53 @helllkatt84 i am awake pout #
  • 19:03 Wonders if sighties got lost on way to potty. #
  • 20:12 Heading home. 4 the record since meeting tobi and kerri i have gottin out more andd actually have a social life again. #
  • 20:41 finally home. eating chips. @animalgirl7’s mom needs to quit being a pain ni my ass! #
  • 20:44 let’s see if @hamsterwoman sees my tweet! #
  • 20:44 testing for @hamsterwoman #
  • 21:18 paypal take your $0.03 for peet sakes #
  • 21:38 testing? #
  • 21:39 now behave you silly thing #
  • 21:39 ok, quitter configured #
  • 22:36 @djdesyree: use quitter! it rules! #

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see you nexst time!

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