daily batch of tweets

these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!

  • 00:00 daily batch of tweets tinyurl.com/ng38ma #
  • 00:50 finally back at home #
  • 11:44 awake and just made @animalgirl7 and myself #coffee #
  • 11:50 I really hate july’s budgit. grrrr #
  • 13:03 is debating what to make to eat #
  • 13:06 what part of I am not interested does this bitch not get! #
  • 13:12 @cminner07 it’s tigger’r’r! #
  • 13:13 @kjw810 makes me want to take my foot and kick them off a roof #
  • 14:49 debating a provider switch to save money. #
  • 18:04 My Daily Twittascope – bit.ly/14F8UO #
  • 22:44 80 things girls should know before and during a relationship! tinyurl.com/nn9b88 #
  • 22:56 amen to this one! Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more. #
  • 23:23 drama queens on the zone, jesus! supposedly I’m fighting other peoples battles 4 them, how about not? thought so! #
  • 23:36 @heatherrain it’s all good #
  • 23:38 @lights_rage haven’t figured out how to sign up for cyber assault #
  • 23:40 @themusicman08 doing all right, just reading through tweets #

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see you nexst time!

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