Those of you reading this blog will know I’ve been tracking the fire that broke out at the W. Ross macdonald school this past sunday.
A quick google turned out
and that article led to this
PDf document
that has been edited, and pasted below for you to read in an accessible format.
W. Ross Macdonald Fire
Questions and Answers
Q. What happened at the school?
A. There was a fire in a prep room on the 3rd floor of the main school building. The fire broke out on Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 4:52 am. The fire department
arrived at the school within 4 minutes. No one was hurt. The Fire Marshall has determined that the fire was accidental.
Q. What was the damage?
A. Two classrooms received significant fire damage. Five other
classrooms have smoke and water damage.
Q. Is the environment safe and healthy?
A. The air quality has been tested many times in all parts of the school. The levels are below the accepted level. The building is safe and healthy for
all staff and students.
Q. How is the building being cleaned?
A. A restoration company has been on-site since the fire. They have started the cleaning process. This is a very large undertaking and will take several
days to complete. All rooms affected will be thoroughly cleaned, walls and surface areas washed and deodorized, carpets shampooed, windows washed. Staff
and students will be allowed back in rooms when they are clean, safe and ready for student learning. Alternate locations have been arranged for some classrooms.
Q. Will my child’s learning be affected?
A. Teachers have spent considerable time this week planning to
ensure that all key learnings will be addressed during the
remainder of this school year. Additional instructional days will
not be added to the school year due to the missed days.
Q. What will happen to my students’ personal belongings?
A. All student belongings’ and items in the affected area will be professionally cleaned by the restoration company.
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