>long post, lots of things to discuss, it's done in a rant!

>This is what we call a rant!
rant rant rant!
I have to rant!
Got that? Ranting is required, if you don’t like that, you can just go and fly a kite! Is that understood?
Good, now, let’s move on!

Editor’s Note: To have the full effect of this post, please read all the way to the bottom. Thanks.

Topic 1, technical support and prompt, reliable service!
Why do I want to rant about tecnical support, you ask? Because there are companies out there that don’t know the meaning of the words, Technical, support! It’s like they don’t give a flying fuuk about your well being, they just want your money, and say go away! It’s just really stupid. When you pay large money, you expect to get professional, prompt, and complete service, right? Completely wrong! When you deal with some companies, you get nothing but screwed, treated like your worth nothing! When you pay for a server, and the server you bought and paid big bucks for crashes, and then it becomes corrupt, you expect to have it fixed promptly, and without questions, right? With some companies, that’s exactly what happens, but with others, you get played with! They put it off, and put it off, and put it off, until you get so fed up, that when the time comes to pay for the monthly payment, you just cancel your subscription and take your business elsewhere!

Topic 2, school buzzers, teachers, authority and other school related crapp!
The school that I have been attending for who knows how long, has finally got around to putting in a buzzer system, and it’s supposed to tell the teachers when to let the classes out. Well, there are certain, wichy, teachers, that don’t give a care about the buzzer. The following is an exact quote from a teacher.
“The buzzer doesn’t tell you when to go, I do, it’s not the boss. I am!”
That teacher needs to learn something called, using there brains! That buzzer system was put in for a very simple reason,to make the teachers let the classes out on time, and to tell the teachers when to start the next classes, on time, and to keep teachers from letting classes out late, and for making students get to class on time. Another thing the buzzer system does, is make the teachers quit telling students when there late, there not OFFICIALLY LATE until that buzzer goes! It doesn’t matter what an individual teacher thinks, it’s what the school does, and if the teachers don’t like, they have the right to resign, and for some teachers, it wouldn’t be a grate loss if they left, it would, actually, definitely make the school, a better place when certain teachers leave! Certain teachers, all they do is wine, complain and otherwise make the school a helll whole for everyone else, who are trying to get a decent education!
Man, I realy don’t like teachers, who think there the all-mighty boss, and that they the only person in the whole world!
That really makes me mad!

Anyhow, this entry is long enough, so, comment on it, and let’s hear your opinions!
I’ll post later!

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