so, while bouncin’ threw twitter,
reminded me, hey you were supposed to write something about this.
in a nut shell, iran has decided
hey, were in a bitchy mood
so we’re gonna make valentines day
Now, I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t need any reason to do something for my girlfriend, hey, how many times have i up and paid a bill and gotten a call 45 minutes later, but I still needed to pay that? my response, you don’t now, shut up. lol.
Done it, any questions?
The only reason I give two shits about valentines day in this day in age? oh, that’s right it’s my girlfriends birthday. good enough excuse to care? I think so.
Other than that? jump off a cliff with it, but iran, please stop making it illegal for those of us, not me, that want to celibrate it, thanks.
I shouldn’t be amused. No. No I should not. and yes, for the record I do hate that my birthday happens to fall on one of the most stupidly commercialized days of the damn year. the only cool part about it is the sometimes mildly excessive amount of chocolate I receive. But…Making it illegal… And I thought my brain hurt two hours ago? and yes, there is the whole you don’t need an excuse to do anything for me, factor. that sometimes results in the question of, “Hey, where the fuck did that come from?” I’ve asked myself that question about twice in the last month.