these are the tweets from the previous 24 hours. If you skip this entry, you might miss something!
- 00:00 daily batch of tweets #
- 00:59 just ordered album 50 of adventures in odyssey! rock! #
- 01:05 couldn’t pass that price up. normally $24.95 for the album was on sale for $9.95. deffinitly gets my vote for great sale. #
- 10:26 awake. morning tweeple #
- 10:27 @cminner07 morning tigger #
- 10:28 @WakeAngel78 morning kitteh! #
- 10:29 @WakeAngel78 oh hell, bear runs and hides #
- 10:32 woot my order was shipped! hell yeah! #
- 10:33 well hell I can’t track the package. well blaw. #
- 10:33 grrr, the ship date is 06/12? what the pout? #
- 10:37 @cminner07 I said that to myself at 6AM when I got up and briefly checked my mail then I said screw it and went bak 2 bed #
- 10:44 @cminner07 lol! yep #
- 10:47 @cminner07 the bear ordered album 50 of the adventures in odyssey series! weeeea! #
- 10:49 @cminner07 it was on sale for $9.95 instead of the usual $24.95. #
- 10:52 @creepyblindy I’d be on the phone to them in a hurry. #
- 11:03 oh hell, one of our knew employees = pissed off! oh dear. #
- 11:04 oof. glad that private note wasn’t directed at me! I think that employee needs 2 take lunch right now! #gwhosting. #
- 11:11 um, stupid moron, domain status, inactive! oh wait, not registered through us, meaning, no support for you! #gwhosting #
- 12:52 @rowdyamerican Inoticed taht thismorning what the pouit #
- 15:03 Mcdonalds had no chocolatede shaks. pout #
- 15:51 Riding the bus for the fun of it #
- 15:57 On a 5c heading for meddoland. Just got told i have no life. So true. #
- 16:38 Waiting 4 a 41 to go to parkdale. #
- 16:47 Sitting on a 41 now. #
- 17:15 At limeridge mall. Still on the 41 #
- 17:41 Heading for king bus now to goto parkdale #
- 18:04 Now on king bus. Heading 4 parkdale n stuff. #
- 18:06 My Daily Twittascope – #
- 18:17 Now waiting for parkdale bus. #
- 18:44 Almost 2 burlington. Just crossed the bridge. #
- 19:30 At spenser smith park in burlington. #
- 19:44 @creepyblindy call me when u have time. #
- 20:52 Waiting for parkdale to go bak to hamilton #
- 21:12 Just crossed the bridge #
- 21:36 Now waiting for king bus to go to mcnab. Now on it. Grin. #
- 22:00 Going to walk home from mcnab #
- 22:31 I’m back home after 8 hours of fun. #
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see you nexst time!